1 Week Diet System

$57.00 $37.00

WW2 Veteran Reveals: The Ancient Japanese Herb You Can Eat Tonight To “Fix” Your Fat Belly?

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Have you ever wondered why so many Asians the Japanese, Chinese, Koreans and Vietnamese in particular seem to age well Why so many of these folks are fit and healthy throughout their long lives

Sure, many Japanese who live stressful city lives might not fare as well as those who live in more rural areas, just like over here yet even so, it always seems like they look younger than they truly are, doesn’t it

Recent studies have shown that the residents of Okinawa are some of the longest living people on the planet. Not only do they live well past 100 with remarkable regularity they don’t look like they’re that old either. On top of that, these long-lived Japanese have trim bodies free of unsightly fat deposits.

That makes sense, though, when you look at it. After all, the healthier your body, the less likely you are to contract some life-threatening disease like diabetes, heart disease, cancer and even Alzheimer’s.

One significant reason for this is that many Okinawa islanders still live on a special diet that has been around for thousands of years. A diet free of modern preservatives, artificial sweeteners, synthetic foods and other junk that we get every day in the U.S. Long ago, these Japanese learned to eat and live in harmony with their body’s natural rhythms and processes.

Of course, thousands of years ago, they didn’t have any science to tell them this. They simply ate naturally and through time, discovered what worked and what didn’t. Today, though, things are different!

My grandfather, Graham Flatt, was a marine fighter pilot during World War 2. After being shot down over Okinawa in 1945, he was nursed back to health by a family of farmers. While there, he ate like they did and exercised as they did

and learned a remarkable secret about how to maintain robust health and lose weight quickly and safely without all the modern ideals of heavy cardio, hours in the gym and strange eating habits.

He passed on this wisdom to me and as a personal trainer, I’ve discovered the powerful truth that’s now been scientifically tested and proven about this secret ancient Japanese way of treating the body. It’s rather remarkable and I’d like to share it with you.

Click this link and watch my free video. I explain how my granddad discovered this incredible weight loss secret and how I’ve been able to break it down and analyze it and it really works!

There is so much misinformation out there when it comes to weight loss. Things that we’ve all been conditioned to think are necessary and that in some cases not only don’t work but actually harm your body.

Heavy cardio:

We’ve all heard this one. Get out and run until you drop! The fact is that no matter how fast you run, you’re only burning 100 calories per mile. Also, continuous hard running is bad for the joints and even builds up scar tissue on your heart and can lead to heart attack! And the sad fact is that as soon as you stop running, your metabolism drops back to normal too.

Eat less:

This one is pretty awful because it seems to make intuitive sense. Stop eating as much and you’ll lose weight. Less calories in means less calories stored, right

The problem is that our bodies are designed to preserve themselves. When you starve a body, your body goes into famine mode and converts more and more of the food you are eating into fat deposits. On top of that, it begins to break down dense muscle tissue for energy in the meantime. Not eating is one of the worst things you can do to yourself.

No carbs:

Yes, this one is BS too. Your body needs carbohydrates for energy. Of course, you certainly should cut down on potato chips, ice cream and corn muffins. Yet if you work in harmony with your body and are getting the right kind of exercise, even starchy carbs like rice, pasta and potatoes are actually good for your body and will help you lose weight!

So don’t let the people trying to sell you expensive gizmos and put you on long-term high-cost diets fool you. There is a simple, easy, safe and highly effective way to lose weight and look and feel great. You don’t have to run until you drop, spend 2 hours every day in the gym, starve yourself or eat bacon 5 times a day!


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