You just ate a perfectly raw breakfast. This smoothie, out of your favorite tropical fruit, bananas, and greens was so yummy that you wish you learned about raw veganism ten years ago. You feel energized and ready to conquer the world.
But then two hours later when you are about to start your workday at the office, you feel the stomach growling, the brain fog approaching or the light-headedness set in. You ignore it and hope that it will pass. Your goal is to get rid of those 15 pounds by the end of the month, and, after all, hemp seeds should be filling! Plus, you better finish this work project by tomorrow!
Yet, half an hour later, you almost feel like you skipped breakfast altogether. It’s only 10:25 am, and you know that unless you dig into your lunch, there is no way you will be able to complete this project by tomorrow – your brain simply refuses to work. So, by now you forget about your weight loss goals and devour your lunch while trying to speed-type.
Then comes the real lunch. You hear coworkers gathering at the kitchen, but you had your lunch, and you are trying to be productive.
Then, at 13:15 pm you feel hungry again! But then you remember that you already ate everything in your lunch bag. In hopes to find something raw in the kitchen, you find apples and bananas. You eat lots of them, feel better, but at the same time, you feel that uncomfortable feeling in your stomach you ate too much today!
You leave the office, and because of this food belly, you don’t feel like exercising as you planned. You can barely move from all the food you ate! Another day of not being able to stick to your flab loss efforts! Am I doing something wrong Shouldn’t getting in great shape be easy on raw veganism Okay, I’ll add sprouts to my breakfast tomorrow you say to yourself.
But then comes tomorrow and the cycle repeats itself.
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